Fintech has seen tremendous growth in recent years, but technology doesn’t always make financial matters easier to understand. We help with customized apps, dashboards, and visualizations that focus on efficiency, ease of use, and reliability. We transform complex financial data into understandable insights and ensure that the submission of this data is always simple and secure.
Trust and clarity around key financial players
The current developments in fintech are accompanied by a continuous quest for efficiency, user-friendliness, and reliability. We assist our clients in developing apps, portals, dashboards, and data visualizations that support these goals. We are happy to assist you with the following challenges.
A reliable appearance
Financial data is often sensitive. It is crucial that partners and users feel confident in your products and services. To promote this and alleviate concerns about privacy and data security, we develop visual tools to achieve this. From animations that clearly explain complex services to brand identities that convey authority and care.
Automating the submission of financial data
If you deal with financial transactions, you must comply with the AML regulations and periodically investigate (potential) clients to ensure they do not misuse your services. We assist our clients in designing KYC portals, putting the user at the center of this process. We ensure that questionnaires are as clear, flexible, and user-friendly as possible.
Making personal finances more transparent for users
A large amount of information can be overwhelming for users. To help them gain better insight into their personal finances, we develop apps and dashboards with a clear navigation structure and concise data visualizations. This includes pensions, savings, investments, and property value. Through visualizations, we make this information even more meaningful.
Within the fintech sector, we add clarity and enjoyment to user experiences that were previously perceived as too complex. By putting the user at the center and providing an outsider's perspective, we help our clients look beyond the limitations of their organization.
Do you have a challenge related to fintech?
We are happy to help you with our expertise on this topic and will work with you to determine the best approach to tackle your challenge.
Mijn Data, Mijn Business
Digitaal productontwerp voor gestandaardiseerde gegevensuitwisseling tussen bedrijven en banken
Een nieuwe visuele identiteit en middelen voor de strijd tegen financiële criminaliteit